Wednesday 19 December 2012

12:16 - No comments

St.Kitts Rodent Recovery Day 56

Whew! It’s been a long time since the last update but gee, there have been some significant findings, that’s for sure. After trying 240 times to bring a Nevis Animal into the St. Kitts population, I have determined that it mating them is not possible, for there are several prezygotic reproductive barriers. 

Upon closely inspecting the courtship process of each animal, it is seen that there is an obvious behavioral isolation – the rodents of St. Kitts have an average courtship display that lasts approximately 12.6 seconds, whereas the Nevis rodents have a courtship display that lasts 21.3 seconds! Due to the difference in the length of each ritual, it seems that they are unable to attract each other.

Additionally, the average measurements of the St. Kitts rodent, and the Nevis rodent were obtained, and here are the results:


Though they have the same body patterns and shape, these rodents vary slightly in size and physical ability. Thus, due to these reasons, it appears to be that the St. Kitts Rodent and the Nevis Rodent are two different species.What a finding!


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